These Jodhpurs will give you Goosebumps!
Goosebumps? Well… maybe not quite, but jodhpurs will make your ride a lot more comfortable and stop your legs from chafing, particularly on those long rides where you spend most of the day in the saddle. I can remember years ago when I was 11 years old and was about to ride in my first gymkhana going on the hunt for my first pair of jodhpurs. We lived in country Victoria at the time, and there were nowhere near as many as saddlery stores as there are today, and definitely no online stores such as Horse Gear Outlet! A friend of my family mentioned she had an old pair of jods (as they are usually known) that I could borrow. Fortunately for me they didn’t fit, because as lovely as it was of her to offer them to me, they were from a by-gone era (I’m thinking the 1950’s…) where jodhpurs were made from material that was stiff as a board and the material puffed out around your thighs and hips – not the look an 11 year old was wanting! The word “shudder” is coming to mind more so than “goosebumps”. So off we went for a road trip to our closest saddlery and my first gymkhana turned out to be a great success in my brand new outfit.
• Pictured below is a young Princess Elizabeth wearing old fashioned jodhpurs:

These days there are many choices of jodhpurs or breeches, and the latest trend is Riding Tights which are super comfortable and will keep you cool in the summer months. Riding tights are much easier to put on than jodhpurs – particularly when the temperature is in the 30’s and you are hot and sticky. Trying to put jodhpurs or breeches on in the heat can be nearly ‘mission impossible’!
CRW Ladies or Childs Sticker Jodhpurs
What we like:
• The 'sticky bum' material will keep you secure in the saddle
• They are well made and very comfortable
• The darker colours available won't show the dirt

<br /> Happy Horse Lycra Stretch Breeches
New for 2017, Lycra Breeches are the 'On Trend' Equestrian Apparel of the moment. They are just so comfortable to wear - fianally horse riders are being treated as athletes!
What we like:
• Comfort, comfort, comfort!
• The Gel Grip keeps you secure in the saddle
• They are so easy to put on
• No more lumpy waistbands cutting in to your stomach
• Lightweight and breathable - designed for Equestrian Athletes

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For too long now Equestrians have only had the option of jodhpurs or breeches, both of which can be quite restrictive when riding - particularly those that are made of the thicker, heavier materials that don't give and stretch when you move. And let's face it - rider's need to move. Finally Riding Tights have been introducted to replace the tradition jodhpur - Happy Horse Lycra Breeches - Riders are now being recognised as the Athletes they are. The new On-Trend Riding Tights are similar to the compression tights worn by Runners and other Athletes. Old Fashioned Jodhpurs may been fit for the Queen, but fifty years later many improvements have been made and we cannow enjoy our riding in comfort and style: